Enhance Your Space with LED Retrofits
Kirlin knows a thing or two about lighting installations throughout history. Our centuries of industry expertise has made our team the go-to partner on LED retrofit projects that require extra attention, creativity, and care. Whether we’re retrofitting theatrical house lights on a sophisticated control system, carbon-arc lamps in Henry Ford’s “secret room” at the original Model T factory, or thousands of compact fluorescent downlights at a leading medical center, Kirlin knows what it takes to make a facility dazzle in LED.

Retrofit Collection
Retrofit FAQ
Can you help me determine what kit I need for an existing project?
Yes! Talk to your local rep or Regional Sales Manager and we'd be more than happy to help guide you. -
Can you use Kirlin's retrofit kits for non-Kirlin fixtures?
Please contact your local rep or Regional Sales Manager to discuss retrofit solutions for non-Kirlin fixtures. -
Why retrofit a fixture instead of replace it?
Our products are designed to be able to upgrade to the latest technologies while not having to disrupt the ceiling with an entire remodel.